Breadth of Connectivity About Kepware Kepware is a software development business of PTC Inc. Hoping for some answers, to get a small step Forward. Phone: +1 888-KEPWARE (537-9273) x208 Email: With support for both legacy and IoT-ready manufacturing technology, Kepware solutions are key components of any smart, connected factory. so the question: How can I determine a sucessfull crack? Maybe I'm just not able to start the KEPServer. No sucess, I see no license confirmation.
Kepware ex install#
I tried also to install the "KEPServerEX-" from this Forum, including the crack file "version.dll", which I copied to the program Directory.
Kepware ex how to#
Has ANYBODY here some ideas, how to get the KEPServer on my virtual (copied) machine running? I played a bit with faking the MAC Addy from the NIC - without sucess. Reason: ' & ex.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub Button1Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click OPCWriteValue(0) New OPCWriteValue(0).Value TextBox1.Text OPCWriteValue(1) New OPCWriteValue(1).Value TextBox2.Text Try. This means for me, the KEPServer knows some very specific details about the original machine (S/N from Motherboard, HDD, etc.?), which I can not reproduce in my virtaul machine.
I want to virtualize my running machine - it works, everything is here, excepted the KEPServer - he ist doing troubles!Įntering the original Activation ID or the Emergency ID results in some error message like: "Request was sent from another machine". If you need to add a server endpoint, click Add instead. Make sure there is a server endpoint and that it is enabled. I understand the normal procedure to send a request an get back an activation file for a specific machine. Right-click the KEPServerEX icon in the system tray and choose OPC UA Configuration. I have a RUNNING KEPServer with a valid license (Activation ID) I need some help - maybe somebody here is able to support me.